This site is dedicated to the belief that the news organizations of the US have become so skewed in one direction that they no longer function as reporters of information, but of propaganda.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Justice for the Justice?

Call it Kelo Karma.

Apparently, a company in Supreme Court Justice David Souter's hometown has asked for eminent domain rights to his house in order to construct a hotel called the Lost Liberty Hotel, complete with a museum to honor those rights we've lost in the past 50 years. Obviously in response to the Kelo decision, Free Star Media LLC has petitioned the timy town to kick the Justice from his own home so that they can erect a larger tax boon for the town for the "public good". Based off of the recent ruling in which Souter wrote the ruling opinion, it will only take three of the five sitting alderman to vote in favor of the move to kick the Justice from his own land.

Sometimes, life can be humorous, ironic and sad at the same time.


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