Yahoo! News - Another example of media bias
Has anyone else noticed that Yahoo! News has toppled even further towards the left?
Check out the feeds and highlighted "News" suppliers. The LA Times and NY Times are reknowned for their unapologetic socialist slant they put on the news, but I give Yahoo a pass on them. They represent the two largest (well, and "bluest") cities in the country, do actually produce a subscription paper and were once considered real news sources - so, you let those go. But THE NATION? The Huffingtonpost? (yes, that's Arianna Huffington - queen of the limousine liberal set) Yahoo! honestly thinks these are suitable news sources?
It appears to be only a matter of time before Yahoo! News starts pulling items from Pravda or the personal blog of Jacques Chirac and reporting them as true stories. Here's news for the editors of Yahoo! News - the internet has created an opportunity for people to more easily discover agendas and bias...and yours is showing.
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